
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Virtual Friends into real friends

The first time I get in touch with Internet is when I was in highschool.
I have my own computer, and I connect it to internet, and started talking with people in MiRC.

I used to be in the MojangBujang, and Bawel Room.
chat with lots of people.
From there I know Sondi and Ko Hendra (KoHen), which turns out become my friends.
I still keep in touch with Sondi, but no longer with KoHen.
I met them several times, first time my parents accompany me to meet them.

Then in 2007, I join in a forum, and from there I met more and more new virtual friends.
Some of them are still virtual (I haven't met them yet), and some of them is real !!
I met with Rian already, and I planned to meet with Seni, Margha, Thomas, Ivan as well.
They are good friends, I love talking with them, and I can't wait to see them in person.

So, Yay to virtual world !
They bring out lots of good people to my life :)

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