
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today I lost my engagement ring's diamond on an accident.
The diamond fell off I dont know here, while the ring still on my finger.
I was so sad and sort of having a bad mood in the morning.

Plus, the night before I didnt have enough sleep because of some stupid sms sent by an annoying person *sigh*

My day at the office was okay. It was busy.
In the end of the day I was so nervous because after several tracks and phone call, the DHL which I already sent out on Monday is still in HK !!! While it needs to be use tomorrow.
I'm a dead meat -____-

I don't know, but I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a hard day.
Hopefully it wont, but I am very scared and worried about it.

Another 7 full months to go.
And I will be free.
IT will be OK.

*self suggestion*


Note, 281109
It end up by me calling my mom, telling her how stress I am, how scared I am, and I started to broke down, and sobbing.
I hang up the phone (I can't speak because of the sobbing :p), called bill asking him to come.
He came right away and I cried some more.
Thanx :)

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